The Richfiles Web Links Page
Would You like your link Here???
If you do, then go to my Guestbook Entry form to add it. There are many links in my guestbook as well. I would recomend checking the Guestbook and these links just to be complete (Personaly though, I don't realy know if anyone in the world has the time to visit ALL my links!!!)! Thanks for checking out the Richfiles!
The Richfiles Guestbook
This is the Richfiles link page. I don't realy check these often. I just collected them over time. There is a lot of them, so please report links that don't go anywhere or have errors to richfiles@mac.com.
I'm including major links, and have deleted links that can be found at other sites. This page has always taken a while to load, so only the most important links will remain. if you can find it elsewhere, I'll link to the other link lists on those sites, rather than duplicat them here.
Robotics related links
To subscribe to the BEAM ROBOTICS MAILING LIST send an e-mail with 'subscribe' in the subject line to: beam-request@palladium.corp.sgi.com
The Living Machines Paper, written by Mark Tilden and Brossl Hasslacher in PDF format at: Solarbotics
Dave Hrynkiw's
(Excelent source for BEAM robot parts and kits!)
Mondotronics Robot Store
(Excelent Source for Robot Kits, parts, and books, plus they stock some BEAM kits!)
Los Alamos National Laboratories
(Official BEAM page)
(One of the most useful BEAM resources out there!)
Chiu-Yuan Fang's BEAM Page
(Great "news" page when you arrive! Updated often!)
Ian Bernstein's Beam Online
(Great Site with Photo Gallery and Circuits!!! A favorite!!!)
Mark Dalton's Home Page
(Lots of information)
AM Innovations Home Page
(Microcore Walker information)
(Great Site with lots of good informaition)
Scott's Robotics Page
WesternCanadian Robot Games
(A popular robotics show/competition in Canada)
The Encoder (Seattle Robotics Society)
(A fairly popular robotics group)
Twin Cities Robotics Group
(A local (to me) robotics group)
TI Calculator related links
#calc-ti homepage
http://calcti.perki.ml.org, maintained by perki@perki.ml.org
#calc-ti, the IRC channel devoted to TI-calcs
Andi's homepage
http://andi.ganymed.org, maintained by ess.andreas@computerhaus.at
Usgard/ZShell, me
Ash - The TI-82 Assembler Shell
http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/ash/, maintained by Dines Justesen, Email: c958362@student.dtu.dk
Official homepage of Ash
Calculators for the Classroom
http://www.dstewart.com/k-12, maintained by The Douglas Stewart Co., Inc jthomson@dstewart.com
Educational discounts on TI products for Faculty and School districts
Caz for Macintosh
http://dragon.acadiau.ca/~chtaylor/caz/, maintained by Christian Taylor (ctaylor@fox.nstn.ca)
Caz for Macintosh, a Z80 assembler
CShell Homepage, The Official
http://pages.prodigy.net/tsk3000/CShell/, maintained by Keith Burzinski
The Official CShell Homepage
http://www.findcure.com/TI, maintained by Adam Berlinsky-Schine
This is the best and biggest TI-site of all times. It has games, programs, help, and even lessons to learn about the calculators and programming.
Extender uP Homepage
http://www.flash.net/~bryanr/extend/, maintained by Bryan Rittmeyer
Info on the Extender uP, a next-generation memory expander for the TI-92.
Fargo ICQ List, The
http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/8345/icqlist.html, maintained by Jared Neilsen jaredneilsen@hotmail.com
An ICQ List for Fargo and the TI-92
How to build the Parallel Link Cable
http://www.salokin.demon.co.uk/ti85_parinfo.htm, maintained by Nicholas Metcalfe
Information and instructions for building the parallel link cable.
How to build the Serial Link Cable
http://www.salokin.demon.co.uk/ti85_serial.htm, maintained by Nicholas Metcalfe
Information and instructions for building the serial link cable.
How to get your link cable to work
http://www.salokin.demon.co.uk/ti85_hints.htm, maintained by Nicholas Metcalfe
Comprehensive hints for getting your home-made link to work
Macintosh & TI
http://www.chez.com/ti, maintained by ti@chez.com
This site deals with the use of TI with a Mac.
Old TI Calculators
http://members.aol.com/hpgene/index.html, maintained by Gene Wright Gene@theporch.com
Information on older TI calculators, including the TI-59, TI-58C, SR-52, SR-56 and others.
Sami Khawam Homepage
http://unet.univie.ac.at/~a9501901, maintained by Sami Khawam (sKhawam@bigfoot.com)
Hardware( Ir Link, Expander...) and Linking software.
Texas Instruments
http://www.ti.com, maintained by Texas Instruments, the official TI calculator producer.
TI graphing calculators, graphlink cable, computers, DSP, electronics enginering, and educational support.
The Memory Expansion Page
http://www.egr.msu.edu/~tsaimelv/expander.htm, maintained by Mel Tsai
Mel Tsai has created a device he calls The SF Expander. It can plug into a TI-85 link port and gives the calculator 512K or even a full 1024K-ONE MEGABYTE-of external storage memory. It is a memory chip with a serial interface. It opperates as if you had a hard drive or a disk drive connected. Other projects are the Expander II/III and TI-85 schematic mapping. He has discovered 4 new ports on the TI-85 and may design an internal memory expander.
The Programming Zone
http://progzone.base.org/, maintained by Rick Schilg InteliPage Web Design intelipage@aol.com
Programming stuff, and Calculator Stuff
The Ti-Files
http://www.inlink.com/~dafek/ti-files/, maintained by Dan Koester
A site dedicated to serving you, the gamer. We help the Ti-community in every possible way with eve
TI 86 Assembly - home of the TI-86 ASM FAQ
http://www.dogtech.com/cybop/ti86, maintained by Matt - matt514@gte.net
Cyber Optic presents the most comprehensive web page about TI-86 assembly programming available! Included the TI-86 asm faq, and other documents which are almost impossible to find elsewhere!
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/9600/index.html, maintained by Jeff Holland colossus@aln.uwstout.edu
TI-83 and TI-86 Assembly games, programs, utilities, and source.
TI ASM Shell Collection Point
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/2771/asm.htm, maintained by Patrick Sweeney psweeney@geocities.com
Collection Point for all TI-8x and 92 shells, (ZShell, USGARD, e
TI-85 Development Tools
http://www.seashellinc.com/jdewey/ti, maintained by jxd45@po.cwru.edu
Home of the Small C compiler, Transfer85, and Stones
TI-86 ToolBox, the Offical Webpage
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/6231/, maintained by toolbox86@geocities.com
The Offical Home of the TI-86 ToolBox on the Web!
TI-8x Emulation Project
http://members.aol.com/smiley0242/index.html, maintained by munsie@earthlink.net
A new emulator for the TI-8x Calculators
TI-Modem Design Team Homepage
http://www.rpi.edu/~sweenp/timodem.htm, maintained by Patrick Sweeney psweeney@geocities.com
TI-Modem Design Team Homepage
TI85/TI86 ZShell archive
http://www.toptown.com/dorms/crw7, maintained by crw7@hotmail.com
A searchable program archive and hardware plans
http://www.ticalc.org, maintained by help@ticalc.org
ticalc.org - Your Internet headquarters for TI graphing calculators
XCalc Info Page, The
http://www.stuytech.com/VirtuTech/xcalc.html, maintained by Christopher Kalos (raptorone@stuytech.com)
Infomation on the Progress of the Universal TI-Calculator Operating System
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